Friday, February 01, 2008

Wasted CPU cycles

This will hopefully be a regularly updated list of apps for which the programmer should be hung-drawn and quartered. I often come across bad examples of programmer and here I'm going to name and shame them.

WCESCOMM.EXE which is part of ActiveSync is the communications module part of ActiveSync - it is responsible for communicating back and forward with the device. By default its configured to autorun on user login.

In their infinite wisdom MS decided to create a log file in the logged on users %TEMP% folder called WCESCOMM.LOG. Now normally you'd expect a log file like this to contain all sorts of useful information relating to errors and activity.

Oh no - these guys are better than that - they write an entry every 250ms stating "No device detected, reset to default 115200". I feel so much better knowing that the electricity I'm paying to power by PC is being used to record that nothing has happened 100,000 times a day.

Oh and to make matters worse they delete the log file each time that ActiveSync restarts - so if you were trying to diagnose an issue the log file that you'd be using has been emptied of anything valuable - except possibly that there's still not a device connected.

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