Sunday, December 28, 2008

Lutz Roeder's Reflector suggestions

Ideas for Lutz Roeder's reflector which I'll get around to sending to him at some point:

* Use of the new "If" function rather than "Iif" if VB

* When variable names use reserved words they should be wrapped in []

* When dividing integers the integer divide operator should be used

* In places code generated takes the form of
New XYZ isn't valid - needs to be put into a variable
But that doesn't recreate the correct reversal of code

* use of new construct and set method doesn't seem to work properly - missing the " with " operator

* use of AscW and ChrW rather than char constructor and type conversion

* x = y = 1 construct not translated correctly

* friend property get's incorrectly become get_XXX functions

* catch xyz As Object isn't valid syntax

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